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Bitcoin developer Bryan Bishop and Trace Mayer talk about technical aspects of Bitcoin and Bitcoin development.
About the episode.
Show Notes
- 00:00:46 - Welcome & Intro.
- 00:01:14 - How Bishop got in to Bitcoin.
- 00:03:39 - What kind of technical debt have we seen with Bitcoin and how difficult is it to work with consensus critical code?
- 00:10:16 - Bishop explains what is happening in bitcoin development.
- 00:12:01 - Bishop explains what is coming down the pipeline with BTC development.
- 00:16:28 - Bishop explains what sig hash no input means.
- 00:18:11 - Bishop talks about how developers signal multiple soft forks at the same time.
- 00:20:36 - Bishop gives his advice for listeners.
- 00:22:16 - Bishop tells what he is most excited for in the next few years.